Fitness Classes

Using a mixture of traditional strength training, functional fitness, and high intensity interval training, we keep things fresh and fun with constantly varied training. Each class is unique: from types and styles of workouts all the way to the music selection. You’ll find something new at every class.

Sign up today!

Slash+Burn Bootcamp

Slash+Burn bootcamp is a high intensity, high energy class. Using a combination of battle ropes, TRX, kettlebells, and more, bootcamp classes are tons of fun and designed to make you sweat.

Mondays at 9:30 am.

FitFlex Strength Training

FitFlex strength training classes are geared toward individuals who want to increase lean muscle mass and overall strength. Movements are slow and controlled. This class is perfect for all levels of fitness.

Wednesdays at 10:30 am.

Personal Training

One-on-one and small group sessions are created specifically for your needs as an individual. With your input, your trainer will listen to your goals and create a plan as individual as a grain of sand. As athletes, lifters, and runners ourselves, we know what it takes and will use our training, knowledge, and experiences to help you achieve greatness.

By appointment only.

Book your training.

Each class is unique: from types and styles of workouts all the way to the music selection. You’ll find something new in every class!