Endurance training is designed to help you move at a consistent pace for longer periods of time. We work together to help you set and achieve your SMART goals.

Endurance Training / Run Coaching

  • Virtual Coaching

    Virtual coaching is online personalized run coaching with plans tailored to your specific fitness level and goals. Beginning at $119/month.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    1:1 coaching is in-person and a great option if you need help with speed and strength workouts, a running buddy, or to have someone to bounce ideas off of during your training cycle. Beginning at $55/hour.

  • Gait Analysis

    For those seeking guidance on proper running form or injury prevention, a gait analysis is the first step to take. Your gait will be recorded and analyzed. Inefficiencies and possible running compensations will be pinpointed, and exercises, stretches, and other suggestions will be made as needed. Beginning at $150.

  • Form Drills

    Form drills are for runners hoping to improve their running form. Virtual and in-person options are available and vary depending on services desired. Please contact Coach Rachel for pricing.

  • Off Season Training

    Off-season training is perfect for the student-athlete between competitive seasons. This hybrid style of endurance coaching allows the athlete to seamlessly transition from sport to sport. This is a bespoke service beginning at $119/month.