7 Resistance Band Exercises to Strengthen Your Glutes

Whether you’re a masters athlete, a recreational athlete, or a high performing high school or collegiate athlete, resistance bands offer something for everyone.

7 Resistance Band Exercises to Strengthen Your Glutes

With the exception of bodyweight workouts that literally require zero equipment, resistance bands are the second easiest and most portable way to get in a quality workout. Athletes of all ages and abilities can, and should, use resistance band workouts. They’re low impact and pack a lot of quality punch.

Resistance band exercises can be varied according to experience and goal of the workout. The lighter the resistance band, the easier the workout may feel. To really light up the glutes, aim for a medium to heavy resistance band.

For this workout, you can choose your resistance.

Lateral leg raise x12 ea leg (band placed around the ankles)
Clamshells x12 ea leg (band placed just above the knees)
Glute bridge x20 (band placed just above the knees)

For walking exercises, the band should be placed around the ankles:

20x forward/backward walks (20 paces forward, 20 paces backward)
20x lateral walks (20 paces in each direction)
20x monster walks (this is a deep squat walk; 20 forward and 20 backward)
20x lateral squat walks (20 forward, 20 backward)

These 7 Resistance Band Exercises to Strengthen Your Glutes are easy to do and everyone can do them.

Happy strengthening!


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